الموضوع: Queen of ugliness
عرض مشاركة مفردة
غير مقروءة 01-02-2020, 08:05 AM   #1
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عضو مميّز
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2008
الإقامة: مصر
المشاركات: 858
إفتراضي Queen of ugliness

Queen of foolishness and ugliness:

You are so rude and very foolish.

Your heart lives on* dirty blood and rubbish.

And I am king of* sugar , natural beauty and sweetness.

I am head of care,* protection and kindness.

You are princess of* hearts theft and* ugly chest.

And I am leader of poems and the world* first poet.


Your hips are full of yellow weak grass.

And I am owner of countries of spring flowers.


Your lips are made from wood and so salty.

And my natural beauty is the source of world beauty.


Your tongue is made from ****l and plastic.

My tongue is made from sugar and form magic.

Abdellatif Ahmed Fouad
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس