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المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
غير مقروءة 04-07-2024, 09:22 PM   #1
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عضو مميّز
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2008
الإقامة: مصر
المشاركات: 863
إفتراضي Green wings of love

Under your green love wings:-

When you take me under your wings and fly.

You appear as the angel of this world and you have your ticket to the sky.

I became a kitten and I have a look at the earth.

I see our world as an egg and it's weigh is seven tones.

I see millions photos of the criminals of war on the doors of hell.

I watch a film on the very deep black hell jail of the world first criminal.

I listen to the tunes of beautiful songs that are being prepared to me and love kingdom.

The dancers and actresses of the last day are very white and live next to my paradise bedroom.

The very big egg is swimming calmly in the huge space.

Wherever I go, the earth goes.

I watch the tears of the angels, because they are sad on the children who are injured in the wars.

The women that losts their flats, tents and houses cause great sadness near the throne that are carried by two greatest angels.


All these miracles take place before my eyes under your wings.

Your great aims are paying attention to me and my safe and happiness.

After the three meals of love, you don't rest, queen of romance.

You draw my photos on the covers and the outside walls of the earth.
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
المشاركة في الموضوع

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