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المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
غير مقروءة 20-05-2024, 09:16 PM   #1
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عضو مميّز
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2008
الإقامة: مصر
المشاركات: 861
إفتراضي New death

Death of head and manhood :-
My condolences to Sheaa people and Iran.

Egyptian sky, people and land are so sad and I talk to the head of Azribigan.

What happened to the leader and his plane ?

What are the details of this huge disaster on the mountain?

This is the death of menhood and the unique man.

Our hearts tears are heavier than rocks and more than rain.

And red rays are designed and sent by my sun heart and soldiers of the moon.

The martyer president was great servant of the people and did his best to please his people.

The explosion of passengers is extremely harmful and terrible.

I am president of Republic of duties, wisdom, proverbs and kindness.

Be patients, Iranian flowers,palm trees, women,children,men and stars, actresses, actors, TV reporters.

The black clothes are worn by the days.

The sadness controls the faces of streets and cars.

The East and the West wear torn black clothes.

For the victims, the men, the women and the children hurry to pray in streets, churches, temples and mosques.

In my sky, little angels pray for the president and the delegation above the clouds of Brazil and Afghanistn .

The deperter king will lead states of beauty and peace near the center of Aden.

Prophet Mohammed, the Christ and other messengers get my orders to support former head of Iran.

Armrys of prophets will come from the first sky till his holy throne.
Written by Abdellatif A. Fouad
May, 2024
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
المشاركة في الموضوع

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