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         :: نظرات فى مقال قطع الأصابع في ثقافات الشعوب (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: قراءة فى مقال قصص الأطفال والشياطين هل تصدق؟ (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: Green wings of love (آخر رد :عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد)       :: قراءة في مقال طفل النجوم جمجمة حيرت العلماء (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: التشابه بين أسفار العهد الجديد والقرآن (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: نظرات فى مقال عندما يكون بطل الرواية أعقل من مؤلفها (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: قراءة فى مقال السيباستيانيزم .. أسطورة الملك العائد مع الضباب (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: نظرات فى مقال غريب الطعام أطعمة نتنة (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: قبور الأنبياء (ص) (آخر رد :رضا البطاوى)       :: غاز و عنتوز (آخر رد :عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد)      

المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
غير مقروءة 10-01-2023, 07:32 AM   #1
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عضو مميّز
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2008
الإقامة: مصر
المشاركات: 861
إفتراضي Sleep problems

Sleep problems :-
"" "" "" "" "" "" "
The devils ask the angels why do not we sleep?
The lions ask the buffaloes why do not we sleep?
The war wants to know from peace, how can we make this hard hearted world sleep?
The spirits ask the bodies why do not we sleep?

The beds ask the blankests, why this world can't sleep?
The stars order the moon and seas to sleep.

Our prophet Mohammed peace be upon him asks God for quickly help

The pope of Vatican ask the believers to sleep.
The women of America , Africa and Europe can't sleep deep.
The flowers of my heart refuse to sleep deep.

Scientists of Chemistry and physics can't sleep.

The Novelists of all ages can't write well.
The policemen of love villages can't sleep at all.
The governments of our world can't sleep in my love jail.

Players of Football World Cup can't kick the ball.

How can this world sleep deep ?
And I can't drink from your golden love cup.
And my silent hip can't kiss your hot talkative hip.

The rocket of my love flies fast without nonstop.
Samsung company will produce nuclear laptop.
The creautres will enjoy sweet dreams and great sleep.
When they see you between my arms in short red robe.

When you dance for me on the mountain of love in the Western countries

And, the visitors of France, London, New Yourk and earth want to watch our kissing on Youtube.
How can the girls develop love relationship?
How can the birds in the nests camp?

The fire of our love warms our bodies and hearts.
The flames of our emotions burn our beds and bedrooms.
The waves of the heat of our love destroy love kingdoms.

How can the ministers and weak peoples ask for help?

Governments of Fish are afraid of melting ices mountains by the fire of love factories.
Whales and sharks are visiting Center of firemen to put off our huge secret fires.
The lions lead the animals of the jungles to make revoultions before the United Nations.

Their foods, waters, huts and babies are in the circle of my love fires.

The smiles of your eyes increase the waves of happiness in my life seas.
The whiteness of your neck change my mood heart and eyes.
The beauty ofyour soft White hips makes me king of kings.
The Spring of your secret gardens makes hell ful of grapes and fruits.
Write by Abdellatif A. Fouad.
Junuary 10, 2023
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد غير متصل   الرد مع إقتباس
المشاركة في الموضوع

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