Love drop
Drop of love :-
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Your love is drop by drop.
Kingdoms of lovers read about it on the governmental records and on your Laptop.
I put the weak waves of your love sea in my great love cup.
My love is rough seas and angry Oceans.
Compare between the two with the help of the United Nations.
Your love is a green plant and he aged two seconds.
My love is gardens of sea fruits and he aged centuries.
The poeples in the streets can pick oranges and apples
Who can tell the difference between the two green hearts.?
Old Authors wrote before landing of Adam and Eve about my earth.
The bottom of my heart is the arteries of the whole love volcanoes.
The roots of your love are the ice of fish and white mountains.
Your love walks like tortoise.
My love flies like rockets of devils.
Which one of our love is faster?
Which heart is the military leader?
Which one is building the nest of our near happy future?
The world populations will me choose in free and democratic elections.
So I am the president of Republic of love.
And also I am the prime minister of emotions.
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Written by Abdellatif A. Fouad.
September 19,2023